主题😉:Bayesian Statistics in Deep Learning and AI and Bayesian Quantile Regression
时间👩🏿🔧:2023年5月16号 13:00-14:30
地点: 腾讯会议🧑🏻:506-607-563
主持人⭕️👨💻:姜荣 教授
虞克明,现任安庆师范大学数理学院特聘教授✩、英国布鲁内尔大学统计学讲席教授 (Chair Professor)。主要从事金融统计与计量💇🏻♂️、金融风险管理🧜、非参数统计🧂、机器学习等领域的研究工作🏄🏼🛌🏻,开创了贝叶斯分位数回归理论与方法的研究,先后在 《Journal of American Statistical Association》《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B》《Journal of Econometrics》《Journal of Business & Economic Statistics》和《Journal of Financial Econometrics》等国际顶级期刊上发表了150多篇高水平的学术论文。目前是顶级统计学期刊JASA ( Journal of the American Statistical Association, Applications and Case Studies) 副主编。他也担任JRSS-A (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-A)🌇、SII (Statistics and Its Interface) 等多家国际SCI、SSCI 期刊的副主编。
Bayes method is listed as the 10 Emerging Technologies. Thatwill change the world by MIT Technology Review since 2014. Bayesian statistics is regarded as the most useful method in Statistics for DL (Deep Learning) and AI. Quantiles, which can give some information about the shape of a distribution, are important summary statistics in data analysis and time series applications. This talk will first brief some applications of Bayesian method in Deep Learning and AI, including ChatGPT, then detail Bayesian quantile regression, including its applications in many areas and change-point detection.
②讲座开始后 将在任意两个时段由工作人员记录信息,进行比对审核,成功匹配的计算第二课堂积分。