
发布时间:2021-04-02 供稿:宣传部


      A job fair for college graduates at Shanghai Polytechnic University involved more than 3,000 employers offering over 50,000 jobs.

  There were at least 7,000 vacancies available at more than 200 state-owned companies. Among them, 496 jobs in aircraft production at the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China and 800 at SAIC Motor, the largest automobile manufacturer in China, in areas that included software, communications and smart driving.

  Organizers said the demand for talent from private enterprises was rising, while employers from outside Shanghai accounted for 30 percent of those taking part in the fair online, most of them from the Yangtze River Delta region.

  Despite the rain, the fair attracted many graduating students, including some from other schools.

  Liu Shilin, a mechanical engineering major at the university, submitted a resume to HLMC, an IC wafer foundry company.

  “The company offers affordable apartments near its office and its canteens serve three meals a day, which is attractive to people from outside of Shanghai like me,” said Liu, who is from Fuyang in neighboring Anhui Province.

  Wang Ping, director of the Shanghai Education Commission, said 207,000 students will graduate from city colleges this year, about 20,000 more than last year. More job fairs will be organized at other universities, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai University. Students will be able to attend in person or take part online.

      Source: SHINE   Editor: Yang Meiping







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