
发布时间:2020-05-16 供稿🔤:党委宣传部

  2020-5-16  “SHINE ”

  ( Yang Meiping)A forum to discuss how to integrate industry with education in the fields of smart manufacturing and environmental materials was held at the Shanghai Polytechnic University on Saturday.

  The participants included government officials, executives of manufacturing companies and experts from universities. Some attended in person, others remotely through the Internet.

  Wu Song, Party secretary of the university, said the forum demonstrated the university’s active role in exploring cooperation with enterprises in talent cultivation.

  China is developing its manufacturing industry with tremendous changes happening to its industrial structure.

  Worldwide there are more than 40 countries that can design planes but only five including China can develop high-performance aeroengines.

  Chen Guoqing, vice general manager of ACEE Commercial Aircraft Engine Co, said the demand for performance of aeroengines as well as technology for smart manufacturing had been increasing, leading to changes in the talent structure of the industry and education at universities.

  He said the industry needed talented people who can not only solve problems but also find and analyze problems.

  Chen said integration of industry and education was an effective way to bridge the needs of enterprises and the talent cultivated by universities.

  He suggested universities make that integration everyday practice to cultivate customized talent for enterprises and enable students to learn by practicing. Enterprises should also provide platforms for teaching and practicing.

  The university also shared its experiences in setting up several centers to transfer technologies it has developed into industrial applications in small and medium enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region.







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